Mature Coconut with Machete

Coconut milk is a staple in many kitchens. It has a delicately sweet flavour and is an ingredient found in lots of delicious recipes. Coconut milk is dairy-free, rich in nutrients and has a number of health benefits. Most people buy coconut milk in a tin from the supermarket, but it can be expensive. However, it is easy to make homemade coconut milk if you have access to fresh coconuts or shredded coconut. As well as costing less, fresh coconut milk tastes better than the tinned variety and contains no additives.

This blog post will teach you how to make homemade coconut milk in seven quick and easy steps. Whether you are dairy-free, want to save money, or just create the tastiest homemade coconut milk, why not give it a go this weekend?

Freshly Cracked Coconut on Deck

What is Coconut Milk?

Coconut milk is made by blending the coconut meat from a mature coconut with water. It should not be confused with coconut water, the clear liquid found in young green coconuts (sometimes called “Thai coconuts”). 

Coconut milk is very versatile and a great addition to many dishes. For example, you can use coconut milk as a base for soups, curries, and desserts. You can also use it as a dairy-free or nut-free alternative to milk in smoothies and baking.

Coconut Meat Pieces

The Health Benefits of Coconut Milk

Coconut milk offers a variety of health benefits. It is rich in medium chain triglycerides, which increase satiety and help the body produce energy. Medium chain triglycerides are considered to be healthy fats but should be consumed in moderation due to their high-calorie content.

Coconut milk is also a good source of minerals and vitamins, like potassium, iron, magnesium, vitamin D and vitamin E. These nutrients are essential for healthy immune systems, bones, teeth, and muscle development.

Although coconut contains the word “nut”, botanically, it is a fruit, not a nut. Therefore, coconut milk is an excellent nut-milk substitute for people with a nut allergy. As coconut milk is dairy-free, it is also suitable for those who are lactose intolerant or follow a vegan diet.

How to Make Homemade Coconut Milk

Blender Full of Coconut and Water

The hardest part about making homemade coconut milk is cracking the coconut! However, once the coconut is open, the process is quite simple. Of course, you can use shredded coconut instead of a whole coconut.

Here are the seven quick and easy steps to making homemade coconut milk from scratch: 

  1. Crack open your coconut with a machete or similar implement;
  2. Extract the white flesh from the coconut using a spoon or blunt knife;
  3. Use a vegetable peeler to remove the inner brown skin from the meat;
  4. Chop the coconut meat into smaller pieces;
  5. Add the chopped coconut to a blender with some hot water and blend on high for a few minutes (a ratio of 2 cups of coconut to 2 cups of water works well);
  6. Put the mixture into a nut milk bag or similar cloth and squeeze over a bowl to extract all of the milk from the coconut;
  7. Pour the milk into a jar and allow it to cool before placing a lid on your container and refrigerating.

If you are using shredded coconut from the supermarket, you can skip steps 1-4, making the process even more straightforward!

You can then store your homemade coconut milk in the refrigerator for up to five days.

Squeezing Homemade Coconut Milk through Cloth

Additional Tips

You can adjust your basic coconut milk recipe to suit your needs. Adjustments include:

  • Adding more or less water to change the consistency of the milk;
  • Adding dates, maple syrup or honey for sweetness;
  • Adding cacao or cocoa powder to make chocolate milk;
  • Adding fresh or frozen fruit to create flavoured milk.

You can also dry the leftover coconut meal and use it in smoothies, curries or baked goods.

Homemade Coconut Milk in Jar

Why not Make Some Today?

Making your own homemade coconut milk is incredibly easy and has a number of benefits. It’s a great way to save money and avoid additives and other unhealthy ingredients often found in store-bought varieties. It is also nut and lactose-free, making it a good choice for those with dietary sensitivities.

Coconut milk is a delicious and healthy alternative to cow’s milk. You can use it in many recipes, including our vegan golden milk recipe, which is available on our resources page. If you have time to spare, making homemade coconut milk is well worth the effort. So why not give it a try?

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